Archives mensuelles : mars 2005

First post on 07/03/2005 @ 23:10 [en] [fr] [fr] [fr] [fr] [en]

no banana union

Update on 16/03/2005 [en] [en] [fr]

Lyon and birthday

We spent the week-end in Lyon.
We left Rodez on friday’s afternoon and arrived at around 20:30 there. Of course arriving around Lyon I managed to take the wrong direction and loose myself in the town. Thanksfully, with the help by phone from Fabrice, my friend where we staying at, we arrived « a bon port ».
After having greeting us warmly, it was time for serious things…. while eating an asian-like salad, soya germs, soya noodles, green salad, schrimps, chicken meat, carrots, some soya sauce with nioc mahn (or whatever it is spelled) that Valérie thought of for Slavka, Fabrice got some nice wines to taste. We, then, went in town to join first toady, and a bit later yoann for a beer.
On saturday, Johnny and Lorie joined us, on their way back from their week in Chamonix for skiing to Grasse, where Johnny is working.
The funny thing is that Johnny’s real name is…. I let you guess…………..(a hint is that my name is Fabrice, the name of my friend there, hosting me is Fabrice, and…..) of course Johnny’s real name is Fabrice. 😀
Nothing more to say about the day. Just a short visit of IKEA, which was the only one time we went out on saturday. The noon meal was very tasty as each time Fabrice and Valérie prepare it. The menu was « Saucisse de Morteaux et boite chaude sur pommes de terre ».
Of course the arrival of Johnny was the occasion for some more wine tasting for the dinner. What’s better than some charcuterie, some vegetables, and some cheese while drinking some very good wines?
Johnny got some chartreuse for Fabrice from Savoie. We tasted it after the meal while playing Uno.
I think it was good as we finished at 03:00. 😉
Sunday was my birthday, so I bought a tasty « framboisier » to celebrate a bit with my friends.
I got a nice hand made birthday card from Slavka.

My birthday card from Slavka

I got a funny tee shirt from her too, and a « cuiseur à vapeur » from my father too.

Upgrade of the blog…

Yesterday I apt-get upgraded the machine running this blog, which is an Openbrick running Debian/SID. Among all the updates there was lot of PHP stuff, and as after doing it my blog wasn’t accessible anymore, i feared that something was broken. But in fact there was another upgrade i didn’t see pass, that was wordpress itself. After having read the docs and having gone to wp-upgrade.php, it worked like a charm.
Then I saw that Templeet 3.0 was out. I tried an installation, but it doesn’t install. It loops in the second installer’s page.
BTW I finnally added in my menu, on the main page, the link to go to the funny stuff I collect since some time.