Archives de catégorie : Personal


I lately bought several CDs and DVDs.
Tri Yann [inclus 1 CD Audio]Evanescence - Anywhere But HomeLove.Angel.Music.Baby [Deluxe Edition]

First DVDs is from Tri Yann. It’s the video of one of their show. Still haven’t watched it, so cannot give my feelings about it yet.
Second DVD is the Evanescence’s Everywhere But Home. In fact it is both the audio CD of the concert in Paris and the video DVD of the show. I listened to the CD and am rather happy with it. Started to watch the DVD but couldn’t finish, didn’t had the time to. So far I am rather happy with it. I like the songs, I like the video, I don’t regreat my buy.
The third, is , IMHO, one of the most, if not the most, disappointing buy I made talking about CDs. It’s the Gwen Stefani’s LAMB first solo album.
Except the hit, heard on all radios or seen on all TVs, « What are you waiting for? », I wasn’t good surprized and even attracted by any of the other songs of the CD. Perhaps I need to listen to it a bit more, but I really feel like it wasn’t a good buy and I am even thinking to sell it or give it to someone else. I find it sounding so much like al this R’n’B crap that I don’t like. Nothing in common with what No Doubt’s sound was, and perhaps I was expecting too much something like No Doubt, even in her solo career?
I will however try to listen to that CD a bit more to be sure I don’t like it at all, and then I’ll will see what I’ll do of it.
For now, I got this morning a mail from telling to me, that my order was shipped. I am waiting for the last Moby’s CD, « Hotel », two old Louis Bertignac et les Visiteurs CDs, and a DVD movie from Bernie Bonvoisin (ex Trust) who turned into movie director, « Blanche ».
hotelLouis Bertignac et les VisiteursRocksBlanche

Lyon and birthday

We spent the week-end in Lyon.
We left Rodez on friday’s afternoon and arrived at around 20:30 there. Of course arriving around Lyon I managed to take the wrong direction and loose myself in the town. Thanksfully, with the help by phone from Fabrice, my friend where we staying at, we arrived « a bon port ».
After having greeting us warmly, it was time for serious things…. while eating an asian-like salad, soya germs, soya noodles, green salad, schrimps, chicken meat, carrots, some soya sauce with nioc mahn (or whatever it is spelled) that Valérie thought of for Slavka, Fabrice got some nice wines to taste. We, then, went in town to join first toady, and a bit later yoann for a beer.
On saturday, Johnny and Lorie joined us, on their way back from their week in Chamonix for skiing to Grasse, where Johnny is working.
The funny thing is that Johnny’s real name is…. I let you guess…………..(a hint is that my name is Fabrice, the name of my friend there, hosting me is Fabrice, and…..) of course Johnny’s real name is Fabrice. 😀
Nothing more to say about the day. Just a short visit of IKEA, which was the only one time we went out on saturday. The noon meal was very tasty as each time Fabrice and Valérie prepare it. The menu was « Saucisse de Morteaux et boite chaude sur pommes de terre ».
Of course the arrival of Johnny was the occasion for some more wine tasting for the dinner. What’s better than some charcuterie, some vegetables, and some cheese while drinking some very good wines?
Johnny got some chartreuse for Fabrice from Savoie. We tasted it after the meal while playing Uno.
I think it was good as we finished at 03:00. 😉
Sunday was my birthday, so I bought a tasty « framboisier » to celebrate a bit with my friends.
I got a nice hand made birthday card from Slavka.

My birthday card from Slavka

I got a funny tee shirt from her too, and a « cuiseur à vapeur » from my father too.


Just some words to say that Slavka and I are at my father’s place. And that means too dealing with this damn dialup connection. I hate dialup :'(
Tomorrow we will visit my mother and eat with her. Then we certainly will go to Montpellier for some shopping tour…..ahhh girlz 😉
See you later.

Week-end in Angers

Just came back from Angers.
Slavka and I were in Angers this week-end to visit her best friend who is in France for studying.
We left Rodez saturday in the morning around 10:45 and arrived there at around 18:00, with a pause of 20 or 30 min after having passed Limoges. We even got a kind of blizzard on the road, but everything went fine and we found the place we were searching rather immediately.
Vani, Slavka’s friend, is currently studying PR at IRCOM in Angers. She welcomed us warmly and installed us in our room.
She drove us for a little tour in Angers by night.
The travel to go there was a bit tiring so I finally let Slavka and Vani discuss alone and went to bed.
This morning we went for another tour in town, for some blue chocolate, the speciality from there, and some more photographies.
Les chocolats bleus au nougat, sp?cialit? d'Angers
We left at around 16:15 and arrived here at 22:45. Happy to be at last arrived.
I was however surprized to not see much more snow here remembering how strong it was snowing when we left Rodez.
It was a nice week-end. We visited a nice town. I wil post pictures in my gallery tomorrow when I will have uploaded them to the laptop and made some triage.


Asked Damien about the buffet. He told me there was still entrance left, but that he will put me on the list, in charge for me to bring the cash as soon as possible on FOSDEM’s opening (which is normal). Thanks Damien !! 🙂

Got a call from my uncle whose son , my cousin so 😉 , is working in Netherlands and lives in Anvers, this morning. He was telling that my cousin proposed to meet us on friday’s evening and even could host us for the night.
I already booked the hotel from thursday to monday morning, so I think we won’t stay there in the evening. Moreover Damien already planned that we could go to the pizzeria the friday’s evening with all present Gnomemeeting’s people, afaik dominance, Gianthome and johnny should be there, in more of damien and jonita, of course. 😉
But the idea of the visit of Anvers on friday make is way in my mind. I have to propose it to Harald if it happens we’ll meet on friday, and as my uncle told me Anvers wasn’t more than 20 min from Brussels by train.