Archives de catégorie : Linux

about (GNU/)Linux in general

Upgrade of the blog…

Yesterday I apt-get upgraded the machine running this blog, which is an Openbrick running Debian/SID. Among all the updates there was lot of PHP stuff, and as after doing it my blog wasn’t accessible anymore, i feared that something was broken. But in fact there was another upgrade i didn’t see pass, that was wordpress itself. After having read the docs and having gone to wp-upgrade.php, it worked like a charm.
Then I saw that Templeet 3.0 was out. I tried an installation, but it doesn’t install. It loops in the second installer’s page.
BTW I finnally added in my menu, on the main page, the link to go to the funny stuff I collect since some time.


Just some words to say that Slavka and I are at my father’s place. And that means too dealing with this damn dialup connection. I hate dialup :'(
Tomorrow we will visit my mother and eat with her. Then we certainly will go to Montpellier for some shopping tour…..ahhh girlz 😉
See you later.