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Archives de catégorie : Linux
GNOME 2.10 is out
:::: AutoCAN ::::
:::: AutoCAN ::::
An interesting site that Slavka pointed to me about incar PCs.
This makes me think of doing this incar PC I wanted to install already so many times. A nice TFT touchscreen and a PC part based on something running GNU/Linux, like, Norhtec products for example.
I just entered the link to my gallery for the FOSDEM‘s pics on the FOSDEM Wiki‘s Picture galleries dedicated page.
Upgrade of the blog…
Yesterday I apt-get upgraded the machine running this blog, which is an Openbrick running Debian/SID. Among all the updates there was lot of PHP stuff, and as after doing it my blog wasn’t accessible anymore, i feared that something was broken. But in fact there was another upgrade i didn’t see pass, that was wordpress itself. After having read the docs and having gone to wp-upgrade.php, it worked like a charm.
Then I saw that Templeet 3.0 was out. I tried an installation, but it doesn’t install. It loops in the second installer’s page.
BTW I finnally added in my menu, on the main page, the link to go to the funny stuff I collect since some time.
Galleries from FOSDEM
OK!! That’s done, they are online.
The evening before FOSDEM really starts, at the traditionnal pizza party at Damien’s place. Album here.
The first day : album here.
The second day : album here.
On friday, Slavka and I visited Antwerp too : here is the album.
NewsForge | GnomeMeeting: It’s not just for video conferencing
NewsForge | GnomeMeeting: It’s not just for video conferencing
This is a nice article about GnomeMeeting on Newsforge.
Go and read it!!!!
Just some words to say that Slavka and I are at my father’s place. And that means too dealing with this damn dialup connection. I hate dialup :'(
Tomorrow we will visit my mother and eat with her. Then we certainly will go to Montpellier for some shopping tour…..ahhh girlz 😉
See you later.