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Page Advogato

Il y a quelques jours de ça, j’ai créé ma page Advogato.
J’en avais déjà une mais comme une triple buse que je suis, j’en ai oublié le mot de passe pour pouvoir me connecter et updater le blog.
Pourtant quel est le devenir d’Advogato ? J’ai le sentiment qu’en fait comme tout jouet de geek, ça a fait son temps et ça ne tourne plus trop.
Bon de toute façon, vu qu’à partir de Septembre je ne vais plus avoir d’accès au net par ADSL, ça pourra toujours me servir pour entretenir un pseudo blog et donner des nouvelles de temps en temps.

This is…

…why I love FOSDEM and would have like to attend GUADEC.

Slavka and I having a meal with Alan Cox and Harald Welte Slavka and I having a meal with Alan Cox and Harald Welte
Though those pics were taken during the traditionnal Satursday’s FOSDEM Party, and we had the chance to have a meal with both of them, Alan and Harald, already on Thursday’s evening, day of our arrival in Brussels. The story is that we already had planned to eat with Harald for long, but when we were at the brasserie of the hotel, Harald saw someone arriving and invited him to eat with us, it was… Alan. Very exciting.
And anyways, always interesting and fun to meet the french Gnomers who were at the table too.
The photographies are in Dodji’s gallery.
We can see starting fro mSlavka and around the table to me : Slavka – Harald Welte – BG representant for LPI – Alan Cox – Daniel Veillard (DV) – Sébastien Tricaud (toady) – Christophe Merlet (Redfox) – moi.


Pas trop d’humeur à blogguer ces derniers temps 🙁
Juste quelques pensées comme ca :

  • Je suis un peu dégouté de ne pas avoir pu aller au Guadec, alors que pour une fois j’avais prévu des jours et tout… dégouté de pas avoir pu assister ou même participer au talk Gnomemeeting avec Damien.
  • Des changements à venir dans ma vie professionnelle …
  • Etonne sans vraiment l’être du résultat du référendum….j’ai juste peur que les gens n’aient pas vraiment répondu a la question….wait and see…je me demande quelle incidence cela va avoir…

…and a Firefox to rule them all!!!

Sometimes ago I was writing on my blog about my search of a blogger community on Rodez, saying that I had that idea after reading a double pages article in « L’Independant » one of the newspapers of the press group I work for. This morning by opening the newspaper I found in my mailbox (it was a day off today for me, as I will work next weekend), I had the surprise to see an article about the blogs and mainly about youngs writing (sky)blogs from Rodez. What surprized me the most is that the picture associated to the article was a screenshot taken from my own linux workstation at work proudly showing a Firefox window, with all my quicklinks in the quicklink bar, « Da Linux French Page, freshmeat, KernelTrap, OSNews (though I don’t know why I kept this one, I am not reading it so often), FootNotes, Templeet« . Ermm, I hope Damien won’t mind, the only link that is missing, is the GnomeMeeting’s link. That’s because I have it as homepage and it automatically opens on the Gnomemeeting’s website, so no link in the quicklink bar. 😉
This said I am rater proud that my linux workstation was used and that we published a picture with Firefox, knowing that it was generated with the Gimp as they didn’t know how to take a screenshot under Windows.


I’ll try to get the authorization to post the resulting picture here when I’ll work tomorrow, or better the PDF of the newspaper page.

Guadec 6

So… that’s sure now, no Guadec 6 for me this year. :'(
Why? Because of 29th of May’s referendum. Working for a newspapers makes it is very hard to take vacations on election’s day.
Next time…I hope, as that makes the third year I say that. 🙁

Continuer la lecture

First post on 07/03/2005 @ 23:10 [en] [fr] [fr] [fr] [fr] [en]

no banana union

Update on 16/03/2005 [en] [en] [fr]