Archives mensuelles : juin 2005

17 Jun 2005

For now the active blog is here.
I certainly will use this diary in a few time when I won’t have ADSL net connection anymore (should be around end of august beginning of september, for a period of at least 5 or 6 monthes) to give news from me from time to time.
Though, not lurking on the net as much as I do right now, I will have more time to contribute to GnomeMeeting.

Page Advogato

Il y a quelques jours de ça, j’ai créé ma page Advogato.
J’en avais déjà une mais comme une triple buse que je suis, j’en ai oublié le mot de passe pour pouvoir me connecter et updater le blog.
Pourtant quel est le devenir d’Advogato ? J’ai le sentiment qu’en fait comme tout jouet de geek, ça a fait son temps et ça ne tourne plus trop.
Bon de toute façon, vu qu’à partir de Septembre je ne vais plus avoir d’accès au net par ADSL, ça pourra toujours me servir pour entretenir un pseudo blog et donner des nouvelles de temps en temps.

How Normal Am I?

You Are 55% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal…

Other things you do are downright strange

You’ve got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

This little quizz leaded me to create this page where I store the results of all the other quizzes I answered to while boring….

Quelques mots (2)…

Après un premier essai, une suite s’est formée. La voici :

Doute, graine de folie,
Tu t’enracines, tu grandis,
Et tu m’envahis.

Doute, graine de folie,
Véritable torture de l’esprit,
Tu ne me laisses aucun répit.

Doute, graine de folie…

This is…

…why I love FOSDEM and would have like to attend GUADEC.

Slavka and I having a meal with Alan Cox and Harald Welte Slavka and I having a meal with Alan Cox and Harald Welte
Though those pics were taken during the traditionnal Satursday’s FOSDEM Party, and we had the chance to have a meal with both of them, Alan and Harald, already on Thursday’s evening, day of our arrival in Brussels. The story is that we already had planned to eat with Harald for long, but when we were at the brasserie of the hotel, Harald saw someone arriving and invited him to eat with us, it was… Alan. Very exciting.
And anyways, always interesting and fun to meet the french Gnomers who were at the table too.
The photographies are in Dodji’s gallery.
We can see starting fro mSlavka and around the table to me : Slavka – Harald Welte – BG representant for LPI – Alan Cox – Daniel Veillard (DV) – Sébastien Tricaud (toady) – Christophe Merlet (Redfox) – moi.

Quelques mots…

… qui se sont rassemblés dans mon esprit et j’ai trouvé le résultat joli.

Doute, graine de folie,
Tu t’enracines, tu grandis,
Doute, graine de folie…