Mon blog WordPress enfin connecté au Fediverse

Ce petit post, pour vérifier que mon blog WordPress est enfin connecté au Fediverse.

Après plusieurs essais infructueux dûs à un historique de fichiers (le fautif étant principalement le fichier de conf du virtualhost apache) trainant de serveurs migrés en serveurs migrés… cela ne fonctionnait pas jusqu’à présent.

Après correction du fichier incriminé « Let’s hope it works !! »

Article de blog test pour le Fédivers

Cela fait quelques temps déjà que j’ai installé le plugin ActivityPub sur mon blog WordPress autohébergé, mais malgré qu’il soit activé selon les prérequis indiqués dans la page d’installation, je n’arrive pas à voir mon compte depuis un quelconque acteur du Fédivers (Mastodon, Pixelfed, Peertube).

Je viens de retoucher quelques réglages, je poste donc ceci pour voir si ce n’était tout simplement que n’ayant rien posté depuis l’installation, le Fédivers n’avait rien à découvrir (pas de rétrodécouverte des anciens posts du blogs si pas d’activité récente, j’imagine).

EDIT 17:25 : Bon, ce n’est pas vraiment un réussite. Rien de changé. Je n’arrive toujorus pas à voir mon profil auteur WordPress depuis mon compte Mastodon…. :-/

Redonner vie à vos appareils argentiques : la pellicule numérique prend forme avec ce projet

La « pellicule numérique » est depuis longtemps considérée comme un rêve technologique inatteignable. Une startup prévoit de commercialiser son produit qui pourra être inséré dans des appareils argentiques, transformant ces derniers en machines numériques sans modifications techniques.

Source : Redonner vie à vos appareils argentiques : la pellicule numérique prend forme avec ce projet

Big storms are different on Jupiter. On Earth, huge hurricanes and colossal cyclones are centered on regions of low pressure, but on Jupiter, it is the high-pressure, anti-cyclone storms that are the largest. On Earth, large storms can last weeks, but on Jupiter they can last years. On Earth, large storms can be as large as a country, but on Jupiter, large storms can be as large as planet Earth. Both types of storms are known to exhibit lightning. The featured image of Jupiter’s clouds was composed from images and data captured by the robotic Juno spacecraft as it swooped close to the massive planet in August 2020.  A swirling white oval is visible nearby, while numerous smaller cloud swirls extend into the distance.  On Jupiter, light-colored clouds are usually higher up than dark clouds. Despite their differences, studying storm clouds on distant Jupiter provides insights into storms and other weather patterns on familiar Earth.  via NASA

A nearby star has exploded and humanity’s telescopes are turning to monitor it. The supernova, dubbed SN 2023ifx, was discovered by Japanese astronomer Koichi Itagaki three days ago and subsequently located on automated images from the Zwicky Transient Facility two days earlier. SN 2023ifx occurred in the photogenic Pinwheel Galaxy M101, which, being only about 21 million light years away, makes it the closest supernova seen in the past five years, the second closest in the past 10 years, and the second supernova found in M101 in the past 15 years. Rapid follow up observations already indicate that SN 2023ifx is a Type II supernova, an explosion that occurs after a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses. The featured image shows home spiral galaxy two days ago with the supernova highlighted, while the roll-over image shows the same galaxy a month before. SN 2023ifx will likely brighten and remain visible to telescopes for months. Studying such a close and young Type II supernova may yield new clues about massive stars and how they explode. via NASA

Is this an alien? Probably not, but of all the animals on Earth, the tardigrade might be the best candidate. That’s because tardigrades are known to be able to go for decades without food or water, to survive temperatures from near absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, to survive pressures from near zero to well above that on ocean floors, and to survive direct exposure to dangerous radiations. The far-ranging survivability of these extremophiles was tested in 2011 outside an orbiting space shuttle. Tardigrades are so durable partly because they can repair their own DNA and reduce their body water content to a few percent. Some of these miniature water-bears almost became extraterrestrials in 2011 when they were launched toward to the Martian moon Phobos, and again in 2021 when they were launched toward Earth’s own moon, but the former launch failed, and the latter landing crashed. Tardigrades are more common than humans across most of the Earth. Pictured here in a color-enhanced electron micrograph, a millimeter-long tardigrade crawls on moss. via NASA

Galileo s Europa

Looping through the Jovian system in the late 1990s, the Galileo spacecraft recorded stunning views of Europa and uncovered evidence that the moon’s icy surface likely hides a deep, global ocean. Galileo’s Europa image data has been remastered here, with improved calibrations to produce a color image approximating what the human eye might see. Europa’s long curving fractures hint at the subsurface liquid water. The tidal flexing the large moon experiences in its elliptical orbit around Jupiter supplies the energy to keep the ocean liquid. But more tantalizing is the possibility that even in the absence of sunlight that process could also supply the energy to support life, making Europa one of the best places to look for life beyond Earth. What kind of life could thrive in a deep, dark, subsurface ocean? Consider planet Earth’s own extreme shrimp. via NASA